獨角貓 第2季
獨角貓從"樂高玩電影"裡單飛出來,飛進她專屬的歡樂世界裡. 她的王國充滿了精彩刺激的冒險和狂舞派對! 她心地善良卻脾氣暴躁,還真正的會想盡辦法的讓她的王國快樂得不得了. 她的團隊有她的寶貝小弟弟呆萌狗和各具特色的新朋友們,獨角貓的生活就是充滿快樂幸福的閃光光,打爆怪物的樂趣,開心無比. 更多
11 分鐘
  • E1
    Space Mission: Danger

    獨角貓他們的太空船爆炸後,他們就無助地在太空中漂流. 當他們拼了命想辦法平安回家的同時,他們每個人都回想起了各自是怎麼害太空船完全毀掉的.

  • E2
    Memory Amok

    呆萌狗看到獨角貓做出了她史上最糗的事之後,他發誓他永遠不會忘掉的. 無計可施的獨角貓利用狐狸博士的記憶機刪除呆萌狗對那件糗事的記憶.

  • E3
    Election Day


  • E4
    No Sleep Sleepover


  • E5
    Pool Duel


  • E6
    Kitty And Hawk

    呆萌狗最愛的玩具翻斗車不見了,獨角貓和迅猛鷹一起追捕小偷,扮演酷警察. 可是情況變得很艱難,他們破不了案的時候,受到考驗的不只是他們的搭檔關係,還有他們的友情.

  • E7
    Unfairgrounds Part 2

    獨角貓他們終於玩到了嗨到爆雲霄飛車. 雲霄飛車啟動後,一開始都很正常,但是很快就變得超誇張. 他們好像永遠都玩不完,就連獨角貓都開始擔心起來了.

  • E8
    Landlord Lord

    惡房東威脅要把臭臉大師和不樂趕出去, 獨角貓他們來幫忙.

  • E9
    Camp Unikitty

    獨角貓他們一起去友善好玩的大自然裡,享受輕鬆愉快的週末露營. 但迅猛鷹不認同他們對露營的看法(應該要在危險森林裡為生存而戰),所以他們就換了地方,迅猛鷹在營區開心享受,獨角貓他們則是在野外求生存. 要是他們因為自然原因而受苦受難,迅猛鷹還會

  • E10
    Hawkodile Sensei

    迅猛鷹在執行任務中,撿到四隻無力無助的花栗鼠. 迅猛鷹認為照顧他們是自己的責任,他決定成為他們的師父,用他的方式訓練小朋友成為戰士,但獨角貓擔心他的訓練方式太激烈.

  • E11
    Perfect Moment

    迅猛鷹坦承他暗戀狐狸博士後,獨角貓他們變成他的愛情導師,幫助他面對自己對狐狸博士的真情. 不幸的是,獨角貓製造完美時刻的偉大妙計,把一切都搞得太複雜了.

  • E12
    Unfairgrounds Part 1


  • E13
    Top Of The Naughty List

    It's Christmas Eve and Brock is excited for Santa to come and visit as he settles down for a bedtime story from Master F

  • E14
    P.L.O.T. Device

    當城堡裡的無聊程度高到危險的時候,狐狸博士很便利地介紹她的歡樂機出場.只要按下按鈕,這台機器就會製造出歡樂氣氛. 老瑞警告這麼做會有危險,但是沒人聽他的

  • E15
    Who Took Toast


  • E16
    Rainbow Race


  • E17


  • E18
    Delivery Effect


  • E19
    Lazer Tag


  • E20

    獨角貓穿上蝙蝠裝,化身為蝙蝠俠,開始去打擊犯罪. 當她無意間撞上臭臉大師在使壞時,她會需要朋友們化身成為羅賓們,來阻止臭臉大師.

  • E21
    Trapped In Paradise

    Unikitty and the gang have crashed on a fabulous island and no one wants to leave until Richard convinces them that they

  • E22
    Safety First

    Concerned about Puppycorn's propensity to hurt himself constantly, the gang places him into Richard's old Safety Suit.

  • E23
    First Flight

    The gang is taking an airplane trip together, and Hawk is at the helm taking his captain's license test. However, Richar

  • E24

    When the kingdom runs out of inspiration, Unikitty takes it on herself to re-inspire the citizens with a riveting game o

  • E25
    The Big Trip

    It's time for the gang's yearly vacation, but Hawk refuses to go, claiming the gang's vacations are never fun for him be

  • E26
    Asteroid Blues

    An asteroid is headed right for the kingdom, so Dr Fox leads the gang on a mission to save the kingdom by flying a rocke

  • E27

    A super-grumpy volcano appears in the kingdom, so Unikitty takes the gang on an epic quest to cheer it up with one of Fe

  • E28

    Brock drags Master Frown along to join him in following his dream, to become the Flyer on a cheerleading team. They team

  • E29
    Career Day

    After an excessive spending spree, the Golden Goose tells the gang it won't give them any more golden eggs until they le

  • E30
    Late Night Talky Time

    The moon is bored of taking the nightshift, since everyone's always asleep. So Unikitty leads the gang in putting on an

  • E31
    Welcome To The Unikingdom

    After Unikitty finds out that tourism is down, she recruits the gang to make a tourism video to inspire people to visit

  • E32

    A mysterious relative, Uncle Donklecorn, shows up unexpectedly, claiming to be family. Hawkodile thinks it's just Master

  • E33
    Time Capsule

    The gang puts their favorite items in a Time Capsule.

  • E34
    Music Videos

    Unikitty hosts a live music video countdown show.

  • E35
    Growing Pains

    Puppycorn is sick of Unikitty always helping him out.

  • E36
    Brock Most Wanted

    When Brock gets accidentally blamed for ruining parties, he draws the attention of the Doom Lords.

  • E37
    Wiener Club

    Determined to become the Hot Dog King, Puppycorn joins an underground hot dog eating contest called Weiner Club.

  • E38
    Trapped In The Tower

    Trapped with Master Frown in the Unikitty Castle, Unikitty tries to figure out why he's always such a Cranky McCrabby Fa

  • E39
    Special Delivery

    After accidentally sending a letter of her feelings to Bim Bom, Unikitty and her friends chase it down before feelings g

  • E40
    Scary Tales 2

    It's Halloween again and the gang is desperately trying to tell the scariest story to a couple of trick or treaters.